From January to October 2019, Russian exports of sawnwood increased by 3.7%, up to 16.8 million m3, according to data of the Russian Federal Customs Service (Rosstat), compiled by lesprominform.ru. At the same time, the value of sawnwood exports also slightly increased by 0.2%, up to 3.8 billion dollars.
In the same reporting period, roundwood exports from Russia both decreased in volume terms (-16%, 12.7 million m3) and in value terms (-24%, down to US$ 900 million).
The volume of exports of Russian pulpwood fell by almost 2.5% and amounted to 1.7 million tons. In terms of value, exports fell by more than 28%, down to US$ 880 million. Newsprint exports increased by more than 6.3%, reaching a little more than 1 million tons and a value of US$ 470 million (down -12% yoy).
Russia’s plywood exports increased by 3.2 % year on year and amounted to more than 2.3 million m3. However, the value of export deliveries decreased by 15%, down to US$ 967 million.