In January-June, the member companies of the Finnish Forest Industries Federation (FFIF) bought 13.6 million cubic meters of wood from private forests, which is 22 per cent less than the average of the previous five years.
The purchase volume of pulpwood was 7.4 million cubic meters, or 20 per cent less, and the purchase volume of logs was 5.7 million cubic meters, or 25 per cent less than the average of the previous five years.
The stock prices of softwood logs were 3–5 per cent lower in June than at the same time a year ago. The carrying prices of birch logs and pine fiber were 2 percent lower than in June 2019. The carrying price of spruce fiber was one per cent higher and that of birch fiber one per cent lower than a year ago.
In June, an average of EUR 54 per cubic meter was paid for pine logs, but the price varied between EUR 36 and EUR 58 by region and felling destination. The average price of a spruce logs was 58 euros per cubic meter, and the price varied between 37 and 60 euros. The average price of birch logs was 44 euros per cubic meter, and varied between 31 and 48 euros. The average price of pulpwood was EUR 17–20 per cubic meter, and the price varied between EUR 10 and EUR 25.
There are several reasons for the variation in carrier prices. The price level is affected by, among other things, the total amount of timber to be harvested, the quality of the timber, the size of the trunks, the felling method, the forest and long-distance transport distance, the terrain and the time and conditions of harvesting. Therefore, the price of wood may vary significantly even in adjacent forest sites.